Simple Welcome Example

This template provides a simple example for constructing a page that uses the Standard Look And Feel Example macro. The only retained portion of this template is the content provided to fill-slot="main".

Original Source:

<html xmlns:tal=""
    <div metal:fill-slot="main">
      <p>Welcome to the machine</p>

Expanded Results:

<html xmlns:tal=""
    <title tal:content="here/title">The title</title>
  <body bgcolor="#999999">
    <div metal:fill-slot="main">
      <p>Welcome to the machine</p>
    <p tal:content="structure here/ZopeAttributionButton"></p>


peterbe (Apr 25, 2001 9:53 am; Comment #1) Editor Remark Requested

Can’t get this to work!

Win2k Zope 2.3.0 & PageTemplates-1.1.1.tar.gz & TAL-1.1.0.tar.gz No ParsedXML product installed (is this the reason?)

‘here’ is a protected word right? ‘here’ is like ‘self’ in py modules and ‘context’ in python scripts. Right?

So I create a PageTemplate in /test with id: “standard_template” and this ‘metal:define-macro=”master”>’ Another PageTemplate to use the ‘master’ macro with id: index_html “metal:use-macro=”here/standard_lookandfeel/master”>”

Here’s the Traceback I get inside “index_html”:

Macro expansion failed
Products.PageTemplates.TALES.TALESError: exceptions.AttributeError on __getitem__ in "<PathExpr standard:here/standard_lookandfeel/master>"
peterbe (Apr 25, 2001 11:58 am; Comment #2) –

Ahh… Got the syntax right finally.


Where ‘standard_lookandfeel’ is a PageTemplate in the same folder or inherited from a folder “below”.

This was tricky. It might be documented and all but it bloody well keep me occupied for some long time.